Although our office strives to provide you with exceptional customer service, we are strictly prohibited from providing legal advice. This includes instruction for form completion. The following guidelines explain what we can and cannot do for you.


  • Provide legal advice or tell you whether you should bring your case to court.
  • Tell you what to say in your court papers.
  • Give you an opinion about what will happen if you bring your case to court.
  • Tell you what to say in court.
  • Talk to the judge for you.
  • Let you talk to the judge outside of court.
  • Change an order signed by a judge.
  • Provide referrals to attorneys.


  • Respond to inquiries about court procedures.
  • Check your court papers to see if you have completed the signatures, have the proper notarization, and have the correct county name and case number. We can also verify any attachments.
  • Give general information about where to find court procedures, deadlines, rules and practices.
  • Provide court schedules and information about how to get a case scheduled.
  • Provide basic information about your own case file.
  • Provide official court forms and instructions.
  • Provide copies of documents for a fee.

The following are suggested online resources:

Your Day in Court- Legal Self-Help – https://kycourts.gov/resources/publicationsresources/Publications/yourdayincourt.pdf
Legal Information Tools- http://kyjustice.org/legalinformation
Kentucky Court System- http://courts.ky.gov
Kentucky Legal Forms- http://courts.ky.gov/resources/legalforms
Kentucky Statutes- http://lrc.ky.gov

If you can not afford an attorney the following is contact information for Legal Aid of the Bluegrass that provides civil legal assistance in Northern/Central Kentucky:

Legal Aid of Bluegrass www.lablaw.org (859) 431-8200.

If you can afford an attorney:
Contact an attorney of your choice or The Northern Kentucky Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at (859) 781-1525 or www.nkybar.com