An expungement is the process of removing a charge or charges from an individual’s official state performed background checks.
Please read carefully as expungement process has recently changed.
- State law requires a certificate of eligibility be included with a petition for expungement of criminal conviction. Individuals who wish to have their criminal conviction records (charges/cases) expunged must complete the expungement certification process to determine if they are eligible for expungement. An expungement certification is not required to expunge charges/case which were dismissed, or if the person was acquitted, or if felony charges did not result in an indictment.
- If an expungement certification is required the certification is valid only for 30 days and any petition/application for expungement must be filed before the certification expires.
- All petitions/applications require your signature on the back to be notarized; if you are unable to have your signature notarized please do not sign the form. Bring the form to our office and we can notarize your signature as long as you provide a photo ID.
- You may access the required forms below or pick them up at our office.
- AOC 496.2 (PEXC – Petition for Expungement for Misdemeanor, Violation, or Traffic Infraction Conviction)
- AOC 497.2 (PEXA – Petition for Expungement for Acquittal, Dismissal with Prejudice, or Failure to Indict)
- AOC 496.3 (AFEX – Application to Vacate and Expunge Felony Conviction)
- AOC 275.18 (EXPG – Motion for Expungement of Emergency/Temporary Order of Protection)
- AOC JV-30 (PEX – Petition for Expungement of Juvenile Record)
- Filing Fees are as follows for EACH CASE SOUGHT TO BE EXPUNGED:
- $100 for AOC 496.2 (Petition for Expungement for Misdemeanor, Violation, or Traffic Infraction Conviction)
- $300 for AOC 496.3 (Application to Vacate and Expunge Felony Conviction)
- There is no filing fee if you are filing AOC 497.2 (Petition for Expungement for Acquittal, Dismissal with Prejudice, or Failure to Indict), AOC 275.18 (Motion for Expungement of Emergency/Temporary Order of Protection), or AOC JV-30 (Petition for Expungement of Juvenile Record).
- **If your petition/application is denied, the filing fee minus $50 may be refunded to you.
- More information on expungements can be found on the Court of Justice Website.
***Reminder – Our office is prohibited from providing legal advice. You may contact the Northern Kentucky Bar Associations (Lawyer Referral Service) @ 859-781-1525 or Legal Aid of the Bluegrass (Pro-Bono) @ 859-431-8200, or contact a private attorney for further information.