- These cases involve: estates, guardianships of minors and name changes. Confidential cases include involuntary hospitalization, guardianship/disability of adults and Casey’s Law (involuntary alcohol/drug treatment).
- Our office cannot provide legal advice and suggest that you contact an Attorney when seeking specific guidance or instruction.
- The Kentucky Access to Justice Commission has set up an on-line guided interview process where you can print out for free forms that will be accepted at our office. You may find that here.
- Refer to the Ky Court of Justice Probate Handbook for more detailed information.
There are two options when filing to Petition an Estate:
- Dispense with Administration
- When the decedent’s estate is valued at less than $30,000.00, a surviving spouse, surviving children, and/or preferred creditor may ask the court to direct the transfer of estate assets without the need for further court proceedings. KRS 395.450.
- These cases generally do not require a court date.
- You may use the Ky Access to Justice Guided interview process to produce free forms to Dispense with Administration of an Estate by going here.
Filing Fees(unless accompanied by a Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis):
$75.50 without a will
$ 122.50 with a will (to be recorded with the Kenton County Clerk)
Petition/Order to Dispense with Administration – Form AOC-830
- Once a case is filed, and processed by a Deputy Clerk, it is then delivered to Judge’s Office for ruling. If the Petition is granted, the signed order will be certified and mailed to the petitioner and attorney, if applicable. If the Petition is denied, you will receive notification from our office.
2. Petition to Probate Estate
- When the decedent’s estate is valued at more than $30,000.00, the Petitioner asks the court for appointment to handle the financial matters of the decedent (collecting assets, paying debts, and distributing remaining assets according to the terms of the will or according to the law that applies when there is no will).
- These cases require a hearing date, that will be provided to you upon filing.
Filing Fees(unless accompanied by a Motion for Leave to Proceed In Forma Pauperis) :
$125.50 without a will
$172.50 with a will (to be recorded with the Kenton County Clerk)
Petition to Probate Will and/or Appt Admin/Exec – Form AOC-805
Order Probating Will and Appointing Admin/Exec – Form AOC-806
Waiver of Recording – Form AOC-040
- Probate Hearings are held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please refer to the paperwork provided during filing for your scheduled date, time and location.
All cases also require a Civil Case Cover Sheet which can be found here.
Other Forms Associated with Probate Filing:
Inventory & Appraisement of Estate – Form AOC-841
Informal Final Settlement – Form AOC-850
Periodic/Final Settlement – Form AOC-846 – When filing a periodic/final settlement, a $25.00 advertisement fee is required.
Affidavit for Probate Fee Exemption –
***Reminder – Our office is prohibited from providing legal advice. You may contact the Northern Kentucky Bar Association (Lawyer Referral Service) @ (859) 781-1525 or for Civil Cases Legal Aid of the Bluegrass (Civil Legal Assistance) @ (859) 431-8200, or for Criminal Cases the Public Defender’s Office 1-833-385-6054 or contact a private attorney. There is also a FREE Legal Help Center on the 2nd floor of the Justice Center on Wednesdays from 11 am until 2 pm.